
Hi there.

You know that thing that you say you’re never going to do but you really really want to? Well… that’s me and this blog. I always thought I would be great at blogging, mainly because I always have SO MUCH to say. But I also felt that when I sat down and focused, I did have a way with words. 

So here I am, a few years later, finally fulfilling something on my bucket list.

The main push for being here is that I did another huge thing that has been on my bucket list: writing a children’s book!

If you know me, finishing basic tasks is a challenge (thank you ADHD), so this is HUGE. I also don’t have the attention span to read adult content many times, hence my children’s book addiction. I am typically reading, reviewing, researching, and now writing them!

If you made it this far, congratulations! These days, reading a blog is way out of people’s interests or priorities.

I’m super duper excited to explore this crazy journey of writing, blogging, and all this fancy stuff. Most days, I am winging it but for now I am fulfilling a dream and I thank you for being here with me.

With love,



The story of my story…